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Find out more information on the changes and how to prepare your organisation

This ‘toolkit’ is intended for Managing Agent and Broker Change Leads, responsible for managing and implementing Lloyd’s Delegated Authority (DA) change initiatives within their organisations. It has been designed to ensure that Change Leads are equipped with the necessary guidance to ensure market firms are ready to adopt planned changes to Lloyd’s Delegated Authority systems and processes in 2021.

This toolkit has been developed in collaboration with the market and its associations. It provides an overview of the required business readiness scope, requirements, and timelines.The toolkit is a living document, which will be continually updated with the latest guidance and supporting materials as change requirements are defined and project plans mature.

For general enquiries about this toolkit, please contact your association or alternatively email

To ensure contracts are not migrated with inaccurate data, the market needs to systematically review and check data quality within the company information section in ATLAS. Some common inaccuracies in data are spelling mistakes, unnecessary whitespace characters, and incorrect punctuation; all of which need to be corrected. Below we have outlined some specific data improvement examples. Note, that in terms of addresses and phone numbers, these are UK-centric examples and so international market participants need to consider the best formatting for their region or ask their regional representative for assistance. The market should also check that all legal and trading names are up to date.

  • Address – Ensure legal name and registered address are entered correctly and completed without punctuation, spaces, and spelling mistakes.

  • Coverholder Contact Details – Ensure fields are complete without spelling mistakes and with correct dialling codes in the telephone fields.

  • Telephone and Email – Ensure there is no unnecessary whitespace in the email and website fields.