Delegated Audit Manager
Delegated Audit Manager is an online system that allows the market to manage and monitor the audit of Coverholder and Claims TPAs.
Delegated Audit Manager deals with five main areas of Coverholder and TPA activities
- The RFI process where auditors provide information which carriers use during the scheduling of audits.
- The scheduling of coverholder and TPA audits.
- The management of the audits.
- Consolidation of audit findings.
- Diary management of audit recommendations
Delegated Audit Manager provides a number of benefits to the market:
- Delegated Audit Manager has enabled the manual nature of the legacy audit process to be replaced with an automated process which enables audits to be scheduled, scoped, costed and reported in a more efficient manner.
- Ease of doing business with Lloyd’s - Coverholders will be subjected to fewer audits every year.
- Reduced duplication – An increase in co-ordinated audits will reduce duplication of effort required by carriers whilst conducting audit related activities.
- Reduction in Costs - An increase in co-ordinated audits will lead to a saving of audit cost to the market.
Lloyd’s - The main Lloyd’s users of Delegated Audit Manager will be the Delegated Authorities Team (DAT) whose responsibilities include the co-ordination and arbitration of audit requests. Other users within Lloyd’s, including Lloyd’s international representatives will have read only access to the system.
Carriers & Brokers - All Carriers and Brokers will have access to Delegated Audit Manager. Audit data can only be accessed where the carrier or broker has a relationship with the coverholder.
Coverholders - Lloyd’s objective is to provide all existing coverholders with access to Delegated Audit Manager where possible.
For Delegated Audit Manager website queries or technical difficulties please contact your devolved administrator, if the devolved administrator cannot resolve the issue they should contact the Delegated Authority team.
Important: These terms and conditions (“Delegated Audit Manager Terms and Conditions”) apply to the online coverholder audit coordination system available on the Lloyd’s website ( known as Delegated Audit Manager. You will be asked to read and accept these terms and conditions before accessing Delegated Audit Manager. These terms and conditions are issued by Lloyd’s.
Contact the Delegated Audit Manager support team: