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Building societal resilience through research, insight and education

Our world is faced with more unknowns than ever before. How do we predict the unpredictable and manage risk in increasingly challenging conditions, protecting our communities, society and economy against threats both known and unknown?

Futureset provides a global platform and community to create and share risk insight, expertise, and solutions to the world’s most challenging problems. Through cutting-edge risk research and insights, events, and access to leading experts, we are working together to spark innovation, build understanding and drive forward resilient solutions – Lloyd’s, together for a braver future.

Our latest insight

Extreme space weather

Comets, meteorites, asteroids… to many people these are the threats coming from outer space to be most wary of. But the most likely threat to our way of life on Earth is something we also rely on for survival: the Sun.

Ep. 9 Partnering in disaster response and recovery

In our latest episode of our Business Leaders series, Rebekah Clement, Lloyd's Corporate Affairs Director, speaks with Nena Stoiljkovic, Under Secretary General for Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Digitalization at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Ep. 8 Securing economic resilience

Hear from Sam Woods, Deputy Governor for Prudential Regulation, Bank of England and Chief Executive Officer of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) as he shares his views with John Neal, Lloyd’s CEO, on balancing economic growth with stability in an uncertain world.

Human pandemic

From freedom - global travel, social events, and collaboration - to isolation in your own home, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated on a world stage the profound impacts of a highly infectious disease.

Explore the latest systemic risk scenario in the series.

Lloyd’s has a unique position and opportunity to bring together communities, businesses, insurers and governments to find solutions to the systemic risks that threaten our shared future. Futureset sets in concrete our commitment to be a catalyst for action, and in doing so empowering innovation, economic growth and human progress around the world.
John Neal - CEO, Lloyd’s

Our insights

Intelligence and insights into emerging and systemic risk. Lloyd’s Futureset has been working with underwriters, brokers, customers and research partners to explore and define the risks society faces, and the actions needed to tackle these present and future challenges.

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Our videos

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