Supporting you
Discover our suite of tools and technologies to support you in conducting business in the Lloyd's market.
Policy and compliance
Lloyd’s Regulatory Tools
Provide the market with access to international regulatory and taxation requirements - Crystal, guidance on what to consider when identifying locations of risk for regulatory and tax purposes - Risk Locator Tool (RLT), and which stamp to use - Stamp Decision Tool (SDT).
Lloyd’s Wordings Repository
Enables you to view vetted policy wordings and clauses regularly used within Lloyd’s market.
Business Timetable
Provides information on the regulatory and franchisor deadlines that apply to the Lloyd’s market including deadline dates, descriptions and links to any relevant market bulletins.
Contract confidence
Review contracts with confidence. Developed specifically for the Lloyd’s market to seamlessly check, compare and flag contract inconsistency.
Regulatory information
Regulatory information including regulatory communications and Solvency II.
Open Market Quality Assurance Tool (QA Tool)
The Open Market QA Tool provides a reference to all the Lloyd’s contract quality requirements for open market business prior to being bound.
Delegated Authority tools
Applications (ATLAS)
An online market system for the process of managing coverholders.
Delegated Contract & Oversight Manager
Supporting coverholder onboarding, facility placement and binder registration.
Online system that allows the market to manage and monitor the audit of Coverholder and Claims TPAs.
Lineage is a cost effective online tool used for the reporting and settlement of Canadian binding authority business. It also generates reports for regulatory reporting.
Binding Authority Quality Assurance Tool (QA Tool)
The Binding Authority QA Tool provides a reference to all the Lloyd’s contract quality requirements for binding authority agreements.
Faster Claims Payment
The Faster Claims Payment (FCP) funding and payment solution provides fast and direct payment of a claim to the customer.
Core business
Information including risk codes, realistic disaster scenarios and the Performance Management Data Return.
Third Party Oversight (Delegated Authorities)
Information for Coverholders, Service Companies and those that work with Delegated Authority business.
Member services
Provides services to members in relation to their underwriting at Lloyd’s including maintenance of funds at Lloyd’s, coming-into-line and distribution of profit and losses.
Requirements and standards
Requirements and standards for being part of the Lloyd’s market including minimum standards, Acts and Byelaws and brand guidelines.
Customer Oversight
Provides information and resources on Lloyd’s approach to achieving good customer outcomes.
Market data collections
This platform will make it easier for the market to provide information to Lloyd’s.
Core market returns
Tool for collecting syndicate level data enabling Lloyd’s to meet its reporting and analytical requirements.
Reporting Standards
Tools to assist Coverholders and Delegated Claims Authorities reporting on risks, premiums and claims transacted under their contracts to Lloyd’s syndicates.
Oversight at Lloyd’s
Market Oversight
Lloyd’s has made fundamental changes to the Oversight Framework to create a more efficient and joined-up approach to provide the conditions for the best businesses to thrive and drive decisive interventions for underperforming businesses.