Governance, Risk Management and Use
Focuses on ensuring the Internal Model is adequately controlled and robust processes and governance structures are in place.
Regulatory Information
View all 'Regulatory Information'Guidance Issued
Previous Guidance
Templates and Scoring Sheets
Workshop Slides
GRMU - ORSA and Model Change Workshop Slides
July 2015 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
September 2014 |
GRMU - ORSA, Model Change & Catastrophe Risk
June 2014 |
GRMU - ORSA & Model Change Workshop Slides
November 2013 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
March 2013 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
July 2012 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
March 2012 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
November 2011 |
Link to EIOPA ORSA Consultation Paper
November 2011 |
Documentation, Final Application and ORSA Workshop Slides
October 2011 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
August 2011 |
Governance, Risk Mangement and Use Workshop Slides
May 2011 |
Governance, Risk Management and Use Workshop Slides
March 2011 |
SII and Risk Assurance
2015 Guidance and Plan
Sets out Risk Assurance information for managing agents on the published 2015 timetable and the individual deliverables included.
Download2015 Timetable
Sets out Risk Assurance information for managing agents on the published 2015 timetable and the individual deliverables included.