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A doctor talking to his patient

Nurse service

Delivering exceptional healthcare

The nurse provides several consultations free of charge with additional services provided at a charge. 

Please see the summary below and contact us for more information.

Nurse service details
Ill health and minor injuries advice
Advice and management for ill health and minor injuries, occurring at home and at work
Prescriptions and pharmacy service

Prescriptions can be issued for medication required and can be dispensed by any pharmacy

These prescriptions are classified as ‘private’, so a minimum charge applies for each prescribed item, payable at the pharmacy. However, the cost of certain drugs could be higher than the minimum charge, so the price payable will vary

Continuation of repeat prescriptions can also be arranged when appropriate evidence is submitted, e.g. previous GP prescription counterpart

The nurse may decline to prescribe and may refer the client back to their GP at their discretion

The consultation is provided free of charge

The prescription will be chargeable
Minor injuries and ailments
Wound care, dressings, suture removal and ear irrigations (syringing)
Travelling advice

The nurse can provide travelling advice and inoculations for any holiday or business destination. This service is available with a 30-minute consultation

If anti-malaria tablets are indicated for any travelling destinations, a prescription will be issued, which can be dispensed by any pharmacy

Please bring any Vaccination Records with you to the appointment

The consultation is provided free of charge

The cost of administered vaccines is chargeable to the individual

For pricing enquiries please email the nurse directly
Sexual health
Contraceptive and sexual health advice
Wellness check-ups
Blood pressure, pulse, height, weight etc
Laboratory tests
The nurse can obtain pathology specimens (blood, urine, sputum, wound and other culture swabs) on request and arrange for analysing through the HCA Laboratories

This service is chargeable. The cost of the tests carried out is chargeable to the individual

For pricing enquiries please email the nurse directly
GP – Health screening & referrals

Anyone in the Lloyd’s market community is eligible for discounted 15-minute GP consultations

To book please contact the Blossoms booking line:

0345 437 0691

(08.30 to 17.30)

Or email:

£70 per consultation


Please do not attend the nurse service without making an appointment as you will not be seen.

Appointments are available Monday to Friday, 09.00 to 13.00 and 14.00 to 16.30.

First appointment
Last appointment
Morning appointments
Unavailable13.00 to 14.00
Afternoon appointments14.00

Book an appointment

Pass holders from the Lloyd’s market community and Lloyd’s Corporation can access the service by appointment.

Your medical condition is important to us. However pressing, please ensure you have booked an appointment before attending the Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre to avoid waiting unattended.

Blossoms Healthcare client support line

(08.30 – 18.00)

On-site clinician

Health enquiries should be emailed directly to the on-site clinician. Due to ongoing consultations, the clinician may not be available to reply to your enquiry immediately.

Additional health information

First aid for minor injuries

Minor injuries should be aided by designated, qualified First Aiders at the location of the incident.

  • If a first aider is required, the Security Control Room should be called at +44 (0)20 7327 2222. The Security Control Room holds a list of qualified first aiders for the building
  • In the event the responding First Aider requires assistance they can contact the Nurse

Medical emergencies

In the event of a life-threatening accident or episode of ill-health to either a member of staff or other building user:

  1. The EMERGENCY AMBULANCE SERVICES should be summoned by calling 999
  2. The Security Control Room MUST also be called at +44 (0)20 7327 2222. Please make sure you have clearly stated your name and telephone number, the nature and the exact location of the incident, and the patient’s name (if known).
  3. The security officers will by default alert the on-site nurse and guide/escort the nurse and the attending paramedic crew to the correct incident location, promptly

Automated Defibrillators 

There are three Automated Defibrillators accessible to any trained first-aid responders and they are kept inside the labelled, wall-mounted cabinets in:

  • The Upper Basement - Outside the Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre’s entrance, near the Tower 5 lifts
  • Gallery 5 - Corporate Real Estate, by the tea/coffee area near Tower 1
  • Main Reception