Channel Islands
Make a Complaint
View all 'Make a Complaint'Definition of a complaint
Any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction:
• whether or not the provider considers that it is justified;
• about providing, or failing to provide, a financial service in or from the Channel Islands;7from, or on behalf of, an eligible complainant8; and
• alleging actual or prospective financial loss, material distress or material inconvenience.
Definition of a complaintant
• consumers (anywhere in the world);
• microenterprises (anywhere in the world);
• certain Channel Islands charities
• Acknowledgement within 2 business days
• Written response within 2 weeks (stage 1)
• If the complainant remains dissatisfied Lloyd’s will investigate (stage 2) and provide a final response within 8 weeks of the complaint being made
EDR scheme and eligibility
Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman (CIFO)
P O Box 114
Jersey, Channel Islands
Jersey local phone: 01534 748610
Guernsey local phone: 01481 722218