Make a Complaint
View all 'Make a Complaint'If you wish to make a complaint please check your policy for details of the person to contact. Alternatively contact your broker or if the complaint relates to a claim contact whoever has been handling your claim to inform them of your dissatisfaction.
What is a Complaint?
Lloyd’s defines a complaint as :
A complaint is an objection from a client that relates to: the insurer’s failures and activities prior to, or upon, the signing of the contract; contract fulfilment by the insurer; contract termination; the settlement of any contract related legal disputes after the contract has been terminated.
How Lloyd's Will Handle Your Complaint
The Lloyd's managing agent, or the party named in your policy that has been appointed to handle your complaint on their behalf will aim to provide you its decision, in writing, within 30 days of receipt of the complaint.
If you remain dissatisfied once you have received the final response you may refer your complaint to the Financial Consumer Protection Centre or the Financial Abritration Board. Their contact details are :
Financial Consumer Protection Centre
Hungarian National Bank
BKKP Postafiók: 777
1534 Budapest
The Financial Arbitration Board
Krisztina Korut 39
1013 Budapest
These complaint handling arrangements are without prejudice to your rights in law.
How to make a complaint?
You can contact Lloyd's in the UK at:
Fidentia House
Walter Burke Way
Chatham Maritime