Make a Complaint
View all 'Make a Complaint'If you wish to make a complaint please check your policy for details of the person to contact. Alternatively contact your broker or if the complaint relates to a claim contact whoever has been handling your claim to inform them of your dissatisfaction.
What is a Complaint?
The DGS defines a complaint as :
A complaint shall mean any complaint submitted by a user of a financial service due to delays, neglect or any other failing in the functioning of the financial institution against which the complaint is filed. It also includes complaints, with a view to obtaining compensation for the harm to the user's interest or right, for specific facts about acts or omissions, which are detrimental for the user and that arise from breaches of the regulations on transparency and customer protection, or of good practices in financial business.
A complaint must be submitted to the insurer in writing in order for it to be considered a complaint.
How Lloyd's Will Handle Your Complaint
The Lloyd's managing agent, or the party named in your policy that has been appointed to handle your complaint on their behalf will aim to provide you its decision, in writing, within 10 days after it has made a decision on the complaint and at the latest within two months of receiving the complaint.
If you remain dissatisfied once you have received the final response, or you do not receive a final response within two months may refer your complaint to Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds. Their contact details are :
Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds
Paseo de la Castellana, 44
28046 Madrid
Tel: 902 19 11 11
Complaints from individuals and corporate entities may be referred to the insurance regulator, the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGS). The DGS deals with complaints in respect of mass risks written by local and EEA insurers.
These complaint handling arrangements are without prejudice to your rights in law.
How to make a complaint
You can contact Lloyd's Iberia at:
Juan Arsuaga
Lloyd’s Iberia Representative, S.L.U.
C/ Pinar 7, 1º drcha.
28006 Madrid
You can contact Lloyd's in the UK at:
Fidentia House
Walter Burke Way
Chatham Maritime