Find out more about the process and forms for applying for a Lloyd’s pass.
How to apply for a Lloyd’s pass
Application process
Applicant completes application form and emails it to their sponsor, together with a passport style photograph
Sponsor completes the ‘Support for this Application’ section and emails the form and photograph to from their business email address, copying in the applicant
Applications are considered in accordance with the Lloyd’s Annual Subscribers Byelaw and a pass issued only once all relevant checks are complete
Please allow five working days from submission of the form for these checks to be completed
If approved, the pass can be collected from the camera room in Lloyd’s main reception
Photographic ID such as a driving licence or passport will need to be shown
Annual subscriber pass
An annual subscriber pass is for anyone who conducts insurance business.
Download the application form below.
Non-Insurance representative pass
A non-insurance representative pass is for anyone who provides a service to the Lloyd’s market, but is not conducting insurance business.
This could include specialist contractors who need access to underwriting boxes, IT staff maintaining equipment, or solicitors and auditors who require access to the building to consult with their client.
Download the application form below.
Insurance representative pass
An insurance representative pass is for individual representatives of market firms (Underwriting Agents and Brokerage Firms) who provide a service to the Lloyd’s market, but is not conducting insurance business.
This could include specialist contractors who need access to underwriting boxes or IT staff maintaining equipment.
Download the application form below.
Contact us
Please contact us if you have any queries relating to access passes.