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Staying informed is critical when it comes to risk preparedness. 

Here, we’ve curated our latest research and insights on emerging and systemic risk, providing a future-focused view on today’s most important topics. These vital resources can help you tackle present and future challenges with confidence.

Lloyd’s Futureset report series

Building global resilience against systemic risk

Lloyd’s Futureset has partnered with the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies (CCRS) to develop a series of scenario analyses, which forecasts the impact, cost, and recovery of some the most globally significant threats to the world, with the view of them occurring in the next five years.

Rethinking supply chains

Our series of three reports exploring supply chain risk, produced in collaboration with WTW, to understand the risk drivers and the current opportunities to fill protection gaps with potential insurance solutions in certain sectors.

Ukraine: A conflict that changed the world

This Lloyd’s and Aon report series reveals the highly interrelated risks of the Ukraine conflict reshaping business models and the global economy and outlines the immediate role the (re)insurance industry is playing in responding to emerging customer needs.

Our latest research and insights

Volcanic eruption

22 May 2024

Molten lava rivers, ash cloud, volcanic bombs… to many nations around the world volcanic eruptions can seem like the stuff of disaster fiction. That is, until the heat is on the global economy to withstand the pressure on its supply chains. Aviation, tourism, and telecoms - just a few industries that could face significant disruption in the event of a volcanic eruption.

Generative AI: Transforming the cyber landscape

12 Mar 2024

Major leaps in the effectiveness of Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) have dominated the discussion around artificial intelligence over the past 18 months. Given its growing availability and sophistication, the technology will inevitably reshape the cyber risk landscape. Generative AI: Transforming the cyber landscape, explores how GenAI could be used by threat actors and cyber security professionals and highlights its potential impacts on the cyber risk and insurance landscape.

Risk revealed by Lloyd's: Clean technologies and hard-to-abate sectors

04 Mar 2024

With 90% of the global economy committed to decarbonisation towards net zero, we are witnessing an unprecedented economic and societal transformation of the energy sector. This report, produced by Lloyd’s Futureset and Aon explores the technologies shifting the energy landscape, reveals the current insurance offerings of each and analyses how demand is likely to evolve over time across the five technologies: carbon markets, carbon captures and storage, low carbon buildings, battery energy storage solutions and geothermal energy. It also considers the same implications for three hard to abate sector: agribusiness, shipping, and aviation.

Deconstructing global economic stagnation

24 Jan 2024

Economic growth is not a certainty. When stagnation becomes sustained and widespread, regional events can evolve into a global crisis with devastating impacts.

On the move: Rethinking transport and logistics supply chains

09 Jan 2024

The transport and logistics industry has a market value of $9.7trn and underpins $89trn of global trade. The third report in our Rethinking supply chains series, delivered in collaboration with WTW explores the biggest threats to transportation and logistics supply chains across road, rail, air, and sea.

Illuminating cyber crime

18 Oct 2023

Your phone, your laptop, your bank account… businesses, governments, financial services… a global ‘cyber catastrophe’ could have far-reaching consequences and cause chaos around the world.

Extreme weather leading to food and water shock

11 Oct 2023

Picture the scene: Extreme weather events and natural disasters linked to the changing climate begin to occur with greater frequency and severity. This series of major weather events leads to a below average crop yield for major producers. The scarcity of staples leads to massive shocks in dependent industries, and an international scramble for supplies.

Report cover

Loose connections: Rethinking semiconductor supply chains

16 Mar 2023

The second report in our ‘Rethinking supply chains’ series highlights the supply chain challenges currently faced by the semiconductor industry and makes recommendations as to how the insurance industry can more effectively collaborate with semiconductor firms to drive forward product innovation and better support the industry.

From farm to fork: Rethinking food and drink supply chains

16 Nov 2022

In our first report in a series of three exploring supply chain risk, produced in collaboration with WTW, we surveyed over 275 food and drink business to understand the sector's risk drivers and the current opportunities to fill protection gaps with potential insurance solutions.

Ukraine: A conflict that changed the world – the (re)insurance industry response

13 Oct 2022

Our second report in response to the conflict in Ukraine, created in collaboration with Aon outlines the immediate role the (re)insurance industry is playing in responding to emerging customer needs and goes on to explore how we can deploy the powerful tools at our disposal to help build greater resilience against the long-term impacts of the conflict.

Ukraine: A conflict that changed the world

22 Jul 2022

This Lloyd’s and Aon report reveals the highly interrelated risks of the Ukraine conflict reshaping business models and the global economy.

The report aims to provide insights on the medium to long term impacts of the Ukraine crisis on the risk landscape. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with 75 sector experts and practitioners across Aon and Lloyd’s, each providing real-life, practical insights on the challenges that companies are facing today and how they are adjusting their risk management approaches in response.

Report cover

Shifting powers: Physical cyber risk in a changing geopolitical landscape

30 Jun 2022

At Lloyd’s we understand the complex and potentially systemic risks in the cyber class and are committed to supporting a resilient cyber market. Cyber physical represents a key opportunity for insurers to develop a sustainable cyber offering that can help protect customers from a risk that has reached the highest level of priority in boardrooms around the world.

Shifting powers: Climate cooperation, chaos or competition?

Tue 18 Jan 2022

Shifting powers: Climate cooperation, chaos or competition?, helps insurers and risk managers navigate the significant overlap between geopolitical risks and climate change.Produced in partnership with the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, the report uses potential but plausible scenarios to guide insurers and risk owners through different possibilities of what the global energy transition might look like by the end of this decade, depending on the pathway major powers take in pursuing net zero by 2050. 

The three geopolitical scenarios explored are based on three broad assumptions of actors’ behaviour: Cooperation (I. Green Globalisation), chaos (II. Climate Anarchy), and competition (III. Green Cold War)

Shifting powers report cover

Shifting powers: Meeting the challenges of the geopolitical landscape

01 Sep 2021

In just the last decade, the geopolitical risk landscape has undergone something of a paradigm shift. The Western-dominant, American-led, liberally fiscal, status quo that defined the political world and economic growth for much of the second half of the 20th century no longer feels like a realistic barometer for how future events – wars, riots, elections, treaties – will play out on the global stage.

Climate action: Join the reset

29 Sep 2021

Climate change is the largest, most challenging crisis the world has faced, bringing increasing risk and uncertainty for the future of our planet.

Lloyd’s Futureset is exploring the risks, challenges and importance of decarbonisation across industry, transport and energy. This series will also outline Lloyd’s commitments to climate action, together with the role of the global insurance industry in supporting and accelerating the world’s transition to a sustainable future.

Climate action: Join the reset – Greener energy

29 Sep 2021

Lloyd’s Futureset is exploring the risks, challenges and importance of decarbonisation across industry, transport and energy. Sustainable energy is vital for the future of all sectors, but it comes with its own risks. Discover the challenges facing wind, nuclear and hydrogen power – a new energy source with massive potential.

Climate action: Join the reset – Greener transport

25 Aug 2021

Lloyd’s Futureset is exploring the risks, challenges and importance of decarbonisation across industry, transport and energy. Explore the challenges facing the aviation industry, the hidden risks of electric vehicles, and how maritime transport can go green.

Climate action: Join the reset – Greener industry

29 Jul 2021

Lloyd’s Futureset is exploring the risks, challenges and importance of decarbonisation across industry, transport and energy. Explore how the construction industry can decarbonise, and how green finance initiatives can help guide the way to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Safeguarding reputation

16 Nov 2020

Reputation is a risk of risks. That means that any major adverse events impacting an organisation can lead to potential reputational damage. Considering the global reputational value is estimated to be in trillions of $US, a colossal amount of corporate value is at stake. The good news is that not every accident will necessarily lead to actual damage – it will often depend on how the organisation acts in the aftermath of the crisis.

In this report, we explore how organisations can keep their reputation safe throughout the reputation lifecycle – from proactively enhancing brands and preventing  adverse events as part of business as usual activities, to building a ‘bank’ of positive sentiment, through to limiting the damage after an incident, and finally  rebuilding reputation in the aftermath of the incident.

Building simpler insurance products to better protect customers

12 Oct 2020

Insurance plays an essential role globally for society – by providing financial relief to customers during challenging times, it helps people, businesses and economies recover from unexpected disasters. For many, this worked as intended during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in some instances there has been confusion.

This report sets out three key recommendations that the global insurance industry should implement to respond to the challenges that COVID-19 has presented. Alongside these global industry recommendations, the report also outlines the affirmative actions Lloyd’s is taking on its own.

By simplifying insurance product design and delivery, Lloyd’s and the global insurance industry will ensure it remains relevant and trusted by customers, creating a braver, more resilient world.

Cities at risk – Building a resilient future for the world’s urban centres

01 Oct 2020

This report, commissioned before COVID-19 and published in collaboration with Urban Foresight and Newcastle University, provides a comprehensive analysis of the risks’ cities are facing and will face in the future. It looks at their impacts and how urban areas can protect themselves from these threats.

Safeguarding intellectual property

22 September 2020

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of these assets, the risks associated with each one and actions organisations can take to protect against these risks that could be affecting their intellectual property value. The report sets out 4 actions risk owners and managers of organisations can take to enhance their risk management practices around intellectual property and to increase their preparedness for the everchanging risk landscape.

Supporting global recovery and resilience for customers and economies

01 Jul 2020

COVID-19 has resulted in a humanitarian crisis on a scale the world was underprepared for. Society has responded collectively, with businesses, charities, communities and governments working together to tackle the health crisis, provide financial support to workers and companies, and bolster economies.

This paper proposes several solutions that could offer customers greater protection against a future wave of the COVID-19 pandemic or against future systemic risks. The paper also outlines additional ways in which Lloyd’s and the global insurance industry could respond to protect customers.

Open source frameworks for systemic risk

01 Jul 2020

This document outlines open source frameworks for three of the potential structures outlined in 'Supporting global recovery and resilience for customers and economies, the paper developed by Lloyd’s in response to the COVID-19 crisis and in preparation for future systemic risks.

The proposed open source frameworks provide a blueprint for the insurance industry to help strengthen societal resilience in the face of black swan events.

Renewable Energy: Risk and Reward

26 Feb 2020

This series of three reports on the renewable energy sector by Lloyd’s, in association with researchers from Imperial College London’s Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (commissioned via Imperial Consultants) analyses the implications of the changes to the energy generating landscape for insurers, risk managers and brokers.

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Our risk reports explore the latest thinking on emerging risks and the implications for insurance.

Explore our full risk reports library.

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