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We’ve taken some of the key learnings, losses and recommendations from each scenario and pulled them into a short downloadable takeaway. As each scenario is released, you will find its key insights below.

01: Extreme weather leading to food and water shock

Extreme weather events and natural disasters linked to the changing climate begin to occur with greater frequency and severity. This series of major weather events leads to a below average crop yield for major producers. The scarcity of staples leads to massive shocks in dependent industries, and an international scramble for supplies.

02: Illuminating cyber crime

Cyber attacks pose a considerable threat to businesses. Year on year, costs around maintenance, prevention, and response to attacks are increasing. Our systemic cyber scenario has been developed to help risk owners better understand the potential exposures at play and the role of insurance to protect against the evolving cyber risk landscape.

03: Deconstructing global economic stagnation

Economic growth is not a certainty. When stagnation becomes sustained and widespread, regional events can evolve into a global crisis with devastating impacts.

04: Volcanic eruption

Molten lava rivers, ash cloud, volcanic bombs… to many nations around the world volcanic eruptions can seem like the stuff of disaster fiction. That is, until the heat is on the global economy to withstand the pressure on its supply chains. Aviation, tourism, and telecoms - just a few industries that could face significant disruption in the event of a volcanic eruption.

05. Geopolitical conflict

Food, electronics, critical medical supplies, cars, fuel - nearly all the world’s essential imports and exports are at sea at any given time. The security of these goods and a robust supply chain are vital for the functioning of modern society. A geopolitical conflict that threatens supply chain stability could threaten economic resilience around the world. 

06. Human pandemic

Exposing the risks of infectious diseases: from freedom - global travel, social events, and collaboration - to isolation in your own home, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated on a world stage the profound impacts of a highly infectious disease.