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Out, Proud and Moving Up!

Being open and active in the LGBTQ+ community may be seen as a barrier to career progression. But, is it?

Link Up North, collaborating with WAVE Network, present an exciting discussion event that will focus on being out and progressing through the ranks in your chosen career path.

LGBTQ+ senior leaders Lauren peel and Dennis Layton will share their stories and dispel any notion that being open in the workplace is a barrier to career progression and reaching the top of your work field.

Date: Thursday 7 March 2024

Time: 17:30

Location: Kennedys, Queen Street, Leeds, LS1 2TW

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Mar 07 2024

Out, Proud and Moving Up!

Link Up North, collaborating with WAVE Network, present an exciting discussion event that will focus on being out and progressing through the ranks in your chosen career path.

Kennedys, Queen Street, Leeds, LS1 2TW | 17:30 GMT

Event location

Queen Street