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A group of friends

In the market for a win

The Lloyd’s of London Foundation are pleased to announce two winners of the Lloyd’s Market Charity Awards from the Corporation

Lais Tierno and Alisa Dolgova tell us their remarkable stories.

The 'Under One Sky' volunteer team

Under One Sky

Lais Tierno - Senior Associate, Monitoring and Assurance

I was introduced to Under One Sky by a friend back in 2021. I was looking to join something meaningful after the pandemic and I thought that volunteering would be an opportunity for me to connect with new people while helping others.

The fact that people live on the streets always bothered me and I always tried to help when I could, but volunteering gave me the opportunity of listening to their stories which was an eye-opening experience for me and definitely changed my perspective on life.

Under One Sky has changed many lives throughout the years. However, they rely upon the support of volunteers and donors. Winning this award means a lot to me as I can support them keep things moving. 

To me the main personal success is to be recognized by my homeless friends on the streets. It only confirms that I am making a positive change to their lives. When I am not able to join the walks they ask about me to my colleagues and when I am back they always ask where I have been.

In terms of benefits to the wider community, we are helping other human beings to survive the challenges of living in the streets and to me it is priceless.

The 'Time & Talents' team

Time & Talents

Alisa Dolgova - Manager, International Regulatory Development

I have been volunteering as a Trustee of my local charity, Time & Talents, for several years, and I was absolutely delighted that my nomination for the charity to receive Lloyd’s Market Charity Award was successful. 

I volunteered to join Time & Talents having experienced first-hand the important work that they do. After my twin girls were born five years ago – and with family on the other side of the world - I felt overwhelmed and isolated. Time & Talents, literally around the corner from where I live, became an important source of support for me in these crucial first months and years as a parent.

Not only did the organisation provide me and the girls with space and activities for a lovely time together, but also, crucially, connected me to the neighbourhood and its community. I remember being impressed with Time & Talents’ incredible 135 years of history and the programme of events it offers to those most in need in the community, with groups aimed at supporting young families, older people, new arrivals to the UK and those with disabilities. During the pandemic, the charity pivoted to providing a food hub and now, during the cost-of-living crisis, its services are more in demand than ever. 

When the opportunity became available, I therefore jumped at the chance to become a trustee. I have found this to be an immensely humbling and rewarding experience. Not only do I get to give back to the community that I’m part of, but I have also found it an eye-opening experience to better understand the challenges many in the community face, and to see the dedication and passion of the volunteers Time and Talents relies on. 

The £7,500 award from Lloyd’s is a much-needed contribution that will allow the charity to continue its brilliant work, from holding ‘warm hubs’, to linking older people in need to friendly faces for regular visits, to ensuring children don’t go hungry during school holidays. Thanks Lloyd’s!

Lloyd's of London Foundation logo

Find out more

The Lloyd’s of London Foundation is the independent charity founded and funded by Lloyd’s.

Jessica Tamman - Global Community Engagement Manager, Lloyd's

21 Feb 2023