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Building resilience and addressing protection gaps

Ukraine: A conflict that changed the world – the (re)insurance industry response

The conflict in Ukraine and its far-reaching impacts continue to drive economic, geopolitical, and humanitarian uncertainty around the globe.

We know that if isolated, risk can be better managed; but in an increasingly connected world, characterised by market volatility, political unrest and a climate emergency, the task becomes even more complex. Finding solutions requires innovation, foresight and collaboration.

Our second report in response to the conflict in Ukraine, created in collaboration with global professional services firm Aon outlines the immediate role the (re)insurance industry is playing in responding to emerging customer needs and goes on to explore by how we can deploy the powerful tools at our disposal – our expertise, innovation, capital and collaboration – to help build greater resilience against the long-term impacts of the conflict.

The actions taken by the industry today and in the future, can assist the ambition of both governments and businesses in recovery, resilience, and support of the Ukraine nation.

Download the report

Whilst the (re)insurance industry has moved quickly to develop several unique solutions that address business needs, the scale of the challenge means there remains a need for innovation and investment.

Download and read the report to understand the challenges as well as the business implications and actions for the (re)insurance industry across seven market forces driving change - cyber, supply chain, food security, climate transition, energy security, ESG and public sentiment.

Responding to emerging protection gaps with resilient solutions

This infographic provides a snapshot of the key findings and recommendations from the full report. 

It covers all seven market forces, surfacing a key macro implication of the conflict for each followed by the actions and steps the (re)insurance industry can take to respond and build resilience.

This infographic provides a snapshot of the key findings and recommendations from the full report. You can download a PDF version using the button provided below.

Report one: What has been the impact of the conflict on the risk landscape and its customers?

Read our first report – Ukraine: A conflict that changed the world – which explores the medium to long term impacts of the Ukraine crisis on the risk landscape and customers. 

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