Spain: Premium tax reporting requirements for Spanish regions
This article is to advise the Lloyd’s market of the changes to premium tax administration in Spain.
Effective from 1 July 2018, for risks located in the Spanish regions shown below, the region must be recorded in the tax section of the insurance documentation, tax schedule or bordereau presented to Xchanging.
- Spain Navarra (NV)
- Spain Alava (AL)
- Spain Guipuzcoa (GU)
- Spain Vizcaya (VZ)
These changes will apply to all new policies and renewals incepting on or after 1 July 2018. Additional premiums and return premiums attaching to policies incepting before 1 July 2018 should be processed in line with the original premium.
Navarra Risks – additional reporting from 1 July 2018
For risks located in Navarra, the following information is required to be captured in addition to the risk location.
- Insured identification number (NIF/NIE)
- Insured address and postcode
The above information should be included on the insurance documentation presented to Xchanging, including being shown on the bordereau for binding authority business.