We recognise the critical role that service providers will need to play in supporting market readiness for the change to digital services in Q2 2024. On 26 April we held a webinar where we presented the activity on each of the three key areas of open market placement, delegated authority placement, and claims set out in the second Interactive Guide and roadmap through the lens of a service provider. Representatives from Lloyd’s and the joint venture also shared the main deliverables on the timeline for the Joint Solution Plan highlighting the areas of focus to support market firms in their path to digitalisation.
Attended by over 90 people from more than 50 service providers (see our list of invited organisations below), questions highlighted the importance of selecting the appropriate path to the transition to digital for market-wide cutover in Q2 2024. The joint venture team confirmed that technical specifications had been shared with service providers and market firms to deliver the changes to EDI messaging and we are pleased to attach a communication issued by DXC Technology on 13 May 2022 that shares a new central storage area for key documents that support adoption of digital solutions. This communication also includes details of how you can request access to the Sharepoint site and be added to their mailing list.