User centred design at Lloyd’s: Why customers are indeed always right?
01 Jun 2020
Organisations who get ambitious transformation programmes right, are usually very good at one guiding principle: know your end user, then add value to their world.
Prioritising the customer’s opinions and insights, then assessing how these might inform a decision to transform in the first place, can reap substantial rewards. Maybe it’s finding unseen opportunities that ensure a competitive advantage, or streamlining a customer journey to provide breakthrough value.
If we consider the end-user as key to the design experience, it’s worth thinking about how that design adds value to the broader goals and purpose of the Future at Lloyd’s as well. At its heart, user centred design is about assessing then responding to the legitimate needs and desires of our customer base in an ongoing manner. Feedback is phased, so progress is continuous. It also gives customers a sense of ownership over a digital ecosystem designed to solve real problems for real people.
Beyond saving time and money from wasted inefficiencies in the long term, user centred design helps Lloyd’s cultivate better, more positive user experiences. As a relationship-based business, this remains a top priority for us.
"True to form, customers are the real experts. They hold an intimate level of knowledge regarding the problems, challenges and pain points that may compromise their performance – and by extension, ours."
Our talented team of strategists, designers, researchers, innovators and Lloyd’s market experts employ a range of design methods that guide daily decision making. User engagement is one of them, whereby we actively collaborate and engage with users on a regular basis to identify, test and improve upon core concepts and ideas.
We’re also employing visual techniques to show, not tell. Future journeys of customers navigating the digital marketplace are brought to life via visualization and illustrations, letting us connect each experience to the underlying technology and data.
As we continue to build the Future at Lloyd's programme, we want to make sure this blueprint – and your role in shaping it – will be both a disrupter and enabler for shared success
Please check back for regular updates as we progress our programme.
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