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Time to reflect

Forida Islam

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar which sees Muslims from across the globe observe the holy month by abstaining from eating and drinking from dawn till sunset

Ramadan is due to take place on March 22 or March 23, this could vary according to the sighting of the moon. In the UK this means Muslims will be fasting for roughly 16 to 17 hours a day.

We have a useful guide to help you understand how a day during Ramadan differs from other days, and the importance to our Muslim colleagues and friends who are observing fasting during this blessed month.

How can you help your Muslim colleagues?

  • Be conscious that Muslim colleagues may wish to flex their working hours or work from home to accommodate their shift in sleeping pattern during the month
  • There are five daily prayers so Muslim colleagues may need to excuse themselves during the day for prayer. There is a dedicated prayer space open to all faiths in the Lloyd’s building on G7 for those wishing to use it
  • Consider having meetings or other professional gatherings beginning later in the morning
  • Avoid Friday lunch time meetings between 12 -2pm as most Muslims observe Friday prayers at the mosque
  • Wish your Muslim colleagues ‘Ramadan Mubarak’

Lloyd’s prayer room and quiet space

Forida, also a member of the Lloyd’s Multicultural Awareness Community, gives us a tour of the prayer room and quiet space located in room 713 on G7 and spoke to us about the purpose of the room, available to all Corporation colleagues and the market, of all faiths, who wish to use it as a place for prayer or reflective quiet time. 

Culture at Lloyd’s

Creating an inclusive marketplace is a priority for us. We are determined to create a working environment at Lloyd’s where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

Forida Islam - Global Community Engagement Manager, Lloyd's

20 Mar 2023