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Lloyd’s in India: Supporting United Way

Through the support provided by Lloyds India, United Way were able to positively impact a wide range of beneficiaries from children at Anganwadi (early childhood learning) centres as well as provide support towards our COVID-19 response interventions during a time when Indian communities were in dire need during the pandemic.

The team at Lloyd’s has been extremely supportive of United Way's work and have participated in community development activities on many occasions. 

Employee volunteers from Lloyd’s have been involved with community development activities related to education, health and environment.

Volunteering with UWM is an opportunity for the employees to meet and interact with beneficiaries that the company supports. It is also a great way for employees to be sensitised to the challenges in these communities and witness the difference their company’s contributions make to the lives of people.

Project Ankur

Lloyd’s and UWM collaborated to promote Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD) and build school readiness among children in the age group of 3 to 6 years.

In India, the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) is mandated to deliver services such as health, nutrition, immunization and non-formal early education through an Anganwadi (courtyard shelter) to children below six years of age.

While being free and most accessible, the Anganwadis struggle to deliver the quality of services children need. The children, therefore, lack foundational learning skills and school readiness.

In partnership with the ICDS, Lloyd's India and UWM4 Anganwadi centres in Mumbai and Raigad in Maharashtra were upgraded to be safe, hygienic, and child-friendly.

The children at these centres were supported in achieving developmental milestones through interventions such as assessment of nutrition status, health check-ups, medical referrals, early learning promoted through daily activities, a celebration of festivals, use of educational toys, etc.

The ecosystem that children grow in was also strengthened through community outreach and capacity building of parents and Anganwadi staff.  We are currently undertaking this intervention with an additional 2 centres in Raigad.

“My daughter Zoya studies in Haji Ismail School. Going to school has brought about a lot of change in my daughter. In the morning, when we take our child to school, there are different toys kept in front of my daughter. They are involved in different types of games/activities. She has started writing ABCD.

She also comes home and recites the songs she learns at school. She describes the paintings on the school walls. The mat in the class is very nice. My daughter sits on it, jumps on it and she doesn’t get hurt. My daughter is very happy and she tells us what she learns in school. That makes us also very happy.

We are also invited to the parents’ meetings. We like it because we also get to learn something new from the different activities that Ashwini teacher conducts with children. We learn many things from the activities that Ashwini teacher does with all the children and parents. The parents’ meetings give us a lot of information about our children, their study in school.”
Asmin, the mother of a child who attends a Lloyd's-supported educational programme in Mumbai

What is United Way?

United Way Mumbai improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities to advance the common good. We work in urban and rural communities across the country to identify and implement the most impactful solutions to community problems in the areas of Education, Health, Income, Public Safety, and Environment.

Community involvement

Insurance has always had a clear social purpose, helping people bounce back from hard times and build confidence in everyday life. 

At Lloyd’s, we have a long history of working to support the communities around us. Through the Lloyd’s charities and the support of our market, we helped people and communities become more resilient, more sustainable, and more inclusive for over 200 years.

Shankar Garigiparthy - India CEO & Country Manager, Lloyd's

15 Nov 2022