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Council of Lloyd's - notice of election

Notice is hereby given of a ballot for the election of a C-External member of the Council of Lloyd’s.

Thu 16 Feb 2017

In accordance with the Constitutional Arrangements Byelaw (No. 2 of 2010) (“the Byelaw”), the term of office of Catlin Syndicate Limited (represented by Mr Paul Jardine) as a C-External member of the Council expired on 31 January 2017.

Pursuant to the Byelaw the Council has directed that an election be held to fill the vacancy for a C-External member of the Council. A ballot will be held on 19 April 2017. The term of office for this vacancy shall commence on 19 April 2017 and shall expire on 31 January 2020.

The Byelaw limits members of Council (other than the Chief Executive Officer) to serve no more than nine years in aggregate as a member of the Council. Time served on the Franchise Board will count towards that nine year limit. Accordingly, Catlin Syndicate Limited (represented by Mr Paul Jardine) is not eligible to stand again for election.

The Byelaw limits the eligibility of “connected” members sitting on Council at the same time. As a consequence, additional vacancies may arise when the results of the election are known. In that event the additional vacancies will be filled by the candidates with the next highest number of votes and the term of office will be for the unexpired term of office of the member resigning.

Subject to being nominated (see below) a C-external member of the Society eligible to receive this Notice may stand as a candidate for election for this vacancy. In a ballot each C-external member and each individual external member eligible to receive this Notice may vote in the election on a capacity weighted basis. Members are eligible to receive this Notice if they are a member of the Society on the date of this Notice and will not cease to be a member before the ballot date.

How to stand for election

A C-external member of the Society may be nominated for election as a C-External member of Council by other C-External members of the Society holding solely or in aggregate, at least two per cent (2%) or more of the voting capacity attributable to all C-external members. Under the Byelaw only those members whose names are shown on the C-External Register on the nominations date (6 March 2017) are entitled to nominate candidates.

Nomination forms are available from the Council Secretariat (email or telephone 0207 327 5276) and may be completed in hard copy or online.

Valid nominations forms must be received by the appointed scrutineers, Electoral Reform Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW, not later than 1.00pm on 6 March 2017.

By order of the Council
Peter Spires
Secretary to the Council & the Franchise Board
16 February 2017