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Lloyd’s Notice of Election September 2023

01 Sep 2023

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the terms of office of the following elected members of the Council of Lloyd’s will expire on 30 November 2023:

Working Members:

Individual External Member:
(Represented by JEFFERY BARRATT
C-External Members: 
(Represented by Karen Ann Green)

In accordance with the Constitutional Arrangements Byelaw (No. 2 of 2010) (“the Byelaw”), the Council has set a ballot date of 27 October 2023.   The term of office for each of the four seats on Council listed above shall commence on 1 December 2023 and shall be for three years unless terminated earlier in accordance with paragraphs 5.27 or 5.28 of the Byelaw.   


The members of the Council will be elected from among the working, individual external and C-external members of the Society respectively, by ballot of those members of the Society whose names are shown on the date of this notice in Part I or Part II of the Register as appropriately referred to in Schedule 1 of Lloyd's Act 1982 and who have not ceased to be members before the date of the ballot.  Under the Byelaw only those members whose names are shown on the relevant Part of the Register on the nominations date (19 September 2023) are entitled to nominate candidates.

Lloyd’s success is integrally linked to the diverse composition of its people and the promotion of an inclusive culture.  This applies to Lloyd’s governing bodies as much as it does to any other area of its business.  On behalf of the Council, the Nominations & Governance Committee regularly reviews and assesses Council composition, considering the balance of skills, experience, independence, knowledge and, in its broadest sense, the diversity, of the Council.  In respect of the four elected seats now arising the Council would encourage nominations from eligible members of the Society with experience of:

  • Leadership roles in an (international) insurance or related services business;
  • Investment management;
  • Financial reporting and accounting; and
  • Change management.

The Byelaw permits service on the Council of up to 9 years in aggregate (in any non-executive capacity and including any time served on the Franchise Board) after which a three-year break is required. 

The Byelaw limits the eligibility of “connected” members sitting on the Council at the same time. As a consequence, additional vacancies may arise when the results of the election are known.  In that event the additional vacancies will be filled by the candidates with the next highest number of votes in the relevant constituency and the term of office will be for the unexpired term of office of the member resigning.

How to stand for election

If you wish to stand for election your completed nomination form must be received by the appointed scrutineers, Civica Election Services, by 1.00pm on 19 September 2023.  To submit your nomination online visit Please type the URL directly into your browser URL bar. 

To log in you will require the two-part Security Code which has been sent to you separately.

Alternatively, you can download the form from

Valid nomination forms must be received by the appointed scrutineers, Civica Election Services, via Civica’s nomination submission webpage or via e-mail not later than 1.00pm on 19 September 2023.

By order of the Council

Caroline Sandeman-Allen

Secretary to the Council

1 September 2023