Lloyd’s 2020 AGM Update
Dear Members,
Formal Notice was issued to members on 21 April 2020 that the Lloyd’s 2020 AGM would take place at 10:00am on Thursday 21 May 2020 in the Old Library of the Lloyd’s Building, Lime Street. Within that Notice, members were informed that if the Covid-19 Stay at Home Measures were still in place on that date the AGM would only be conducted virtually via Webinar with no physical attendance permitted.
Given the ongoing nature of the Covid-19 situation, the Council has taken the decision that it is necessary to ensure the safety of our members and the orderly conduct of the meeting, to only conduct the 2020 AGM virtually via Webinar and that physical attendance shall not be permitted. This decision is being made regardless of any current or further relaxation of the Stay at Home Measures issued by the Government.
Members are reminded that there are a number of channels available to enable them to participate in the AGM other than attending in person:
- Register for the Webinar by 10:00am on Tuesday 19 May 2020 using the URL provided in the Notice of the Meeting. If any member has not received the Notice or has any difficulties in registering for the AGM Webinar they should contact Lloyd’s.Secretariat@lloyds.com.
- Appoint a proxy which may be the Chairman, a member of Council, or another member of the Society. The deadline to return your personalised Proxy Notice, either by post or online, is 10:00 am on Tuesday 19 May 2020.
- Submit a question by Thursday 14 May to Lloyds.Secretariat@lloyds.com. While there will be opportunity for members to ask questions during the Webinar, the Council would strongly encourage members to submit questions in advance to ensure the orderly conduct of the meeting. Questions will be grouped by theme with individual responses provided in writing within 14 days of the meeting.
Copies of the 2020 AGM documentation are available here and contain full details of how to register for the Webinar, appoint a proxy, and submit questions to the AGM. Any member experiencing difficulties in accessing the relevant documents or passwords is invited to contact Lloyds.Secretariat@lloyds.com for assistance.
We would like to thank you for your accommodation of these arrangements during these unprecedented times and send our best to you and your families.
Yours Sincerely,
Peter Spires,
For and on behalf of the Council of Lloyd’s