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How to place a risk with Lloyd's in Italy

Find out how to access and place risks with Lloyd’s worldwide.

In Italy, Lloyd’s underwriters can accept risks and issue policies via a local Italian coverholder, an open market correspondent (OMC) or a service company.

Lloyd's underwriters may delegate their authority to enter into contracts of insurance to the 'coverholders'. In such circumstances the general principle is that the coverholder acts as agent of the Lloyd's underwriters (rather than as agent of the policyholder). The coverholders in Italy have to sign a Collaboration Agreement.

In Italy, intermediaries must be registered as Open Market Correspondent in order to place insurance contracts through one or more Lloyd’s Brokers (the sponsor). OMC in Italy have to sign a Collaboration Agreement.

A service company operates like a coverholder but is a wholly owned subsidiary of a managing agent or its group. Unlike a coverholder, a service company is able to sub-delegate underwriting authority to other coverholders. Service companies in Italy have to sign a Collaboration Agreement.

Motor third party liability insurance

With effect from 1 July 2016, no Lloyd’s syndicate is writing motor third party liability insurance business (Class 10) for vehicles registered in Italy. All motor third party liability insurance policies that expire on or after this date will not be renewed. Claims relating to losses that occurred during the period of a motor third party liability insurance policy that was underwritten at Lloyd’s should be reported to the claims notification party on the policy document. General enquiries regarding such policies should be sent to the insurance intermediary that placed your risk for you. For further information, please contact the Lloyd’s office in Italy on telephone +39 02 637 888 1 or e-mail

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