In Hong Kong, Lloyd’s underwriters can accept risks and issue policies via a syndicate’s local office, a local coverholder or via a broker placing their risk overseas, e.g. London or Singapore.
Hong Kong Service Companies
A service company operates like a coverholder but is a wholly owned subsidiary of a managing agent or its group. Unlike a coverholder, a service company is able to sub-delegate underwriting authority to other coverholders.
Hong Kong Coverholders
A managing agent may also authorise third party intermediaries to accept (re)insurance risks directly on behalf of its syndicates. These businesses, known as coverholders, form a vital distribution channel, offering a local route to Lloyd’s in Hong Kong. Locally in Hong Kong a Coverholder must be locally licensed as an insurance broker or an insurance agent.
Use our market directories to find an accredited Lloyd’s broker, syndicate or coverholder.
You can access Lloyd’s via a local Hong Kong coverholder or by contacting a service company directly.
Please use the market directory on to search for a local representative by class of business and country.