Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Ltd
Managing Agent Name: Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Limited
Subject: 2021 Year of account
Syndicate Affected: 510
In light of strong rating levels across many of the key classes written the Syndicate is pre-empting by 14.94% for 2021. Capacity will increase from £1,305m to £1,500m.
As previously agreed with members agents, an important structural change for 2021 is that business written by syndicates 510 and 1880 (100% Tokio Marine backed) will be pooled and then split on a fixed 80/20 basis, with 510 taking 80% of every line written.
2021 will be the first full year under Matthew Shaw as Chief Underwriting Officer. Mr Shaw joined TMK in May 2020 and the split syndicate initiative is an important change made under his recommendations and with full support from the Board of TMK and the 510 members agents.
Date issued: 17th October 2020
Contact Information
Agency contact name: John Yeulett
Agency contact no: + 44 (0) 7886 9000
For auction office use only: D2020003
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