R&Q Managing Agency Ltd
Managing Agent Name: R&Q Managing Agency Limited
Subject: De-emption of syndicate capacity for 2016 year of account
Syndicate Affected: DTW 1991
The proposed final Syndicate Business Forecast for 2016 has been adjusted to take into account a revised view of market prospects since the submission of the provisional plan.
This revision includes a de-emption of the syndicate capacity to £130m.
The action in reviewing the portfolio is reflective of the discipline being maintained by DTW1991 in the face of aggressive competition, particularly in the US market.
The 2015 SBF has similarly been re-forecast and re-submitted.
Date issued: 18/09/2015
Contact Information
Agency contact name: PM Sloan
Agency contact no: + 44 (0)207 780 5998
For auction office use only: D2015005
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