Primary way aimed to improve insurance processes and tools whilst in the Accelerator: New sources of risk insight - data or models
During the Lab Previsico designed a tool, with the help of the Lloyd’s market, which gives insurers the ability to alert clients of imminent risks, down to an individual property level (25m), so they can move valuables to higher ground and set up temporary flood defences in the case of a forthcoming flood. This fed into a major and ongoing contract with Liberty Specialty Markets, the company’s mentor in the Accelerator, and provided the building blocks to meeting and working with other insurers.
Using historic Lloyd’s loss data Previsico was able to determine that their alerts could have a typical reduction in losses of around 50% but possibly up to 100%. This was for households, commercial properties and fine art and specie. The degree of loss reduction depended on the type of asset (moveable or unmovable) and if they combined an alert with a flood action plan and/or resilience measures.