Results at a glance
Lloyd’s has announced a profit of £0.6bn for the first half of 2018.
The key financial figures are:
- Pre-tax profits of £0.6bn (June 2017: £1.2bn)
- Combined ratio of 95.5% (June 2017: 96.9%)
- Annualised return on capital of 4.3% (June 2017: 8.9%)
- Investment return of 0.3% (June 2017: 1.5%)
- Net resources of £29.0bn (June 2017: £28.0bn)
Gross Written Premium
Result before tax
Capital, reserves and subordinated debt and securities
Central assets
Return on capital annualised*
*The return on capital and the combined ratio are metrics which are consistently used to analyse financial performance in the Lloyd’s Market Results and/or in the Society Report.
Combined Ratio*
*The return on capital and the combined ratio are metrics which are consistently used to analyse financial performance in the Lloyd’s Market Results and/or in the Society Report.