Based in The Hague, APC Holland offers a range of cover for the Dutch SME market via a network of brokers.
APC Holland is an independent MGA with very strong connections to APC Underwriting in London. Since 1993 APC Underwriting has offered SME products to brokers trough their online platform called QuoteMac.
APC Holland is also offering this QuoteMac on-line trading platform, a facility that to date has not been widely available in the local market.
APC Holland aims to become one of the leading MGA’s in Holland by both providing access to the Lloyd's and London markets and delivering a high level of service to our business introducers.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
AMICA NV (Antwerp Marine Insurance, Claims Associates NV) is a specialist in Marine Cargo Insurance and Charterers Liability insurance with a strong focus on trading companies.
With our team of specialists we are able to provide high-level service in respect of underwriting and claims as well as in respect of advising our clients on non-insurance related matters such as contractual disputes (late or non-performance, quality/condition issues, etc), drafting of sale/purchase contracts, mediation and arbitration.
Having worked in commodity trading companies themselves, our people have first hand practical experience with trading and shipping. We are therefore well aware of the problems and challenges that can occur and we know how to deal with these in an efficient and practical manner.
Over the years AMICA has built a solid reputation as a trustworthy and knowledgeable partner for the placement of risks and the handling and management of claims.
We have been a stable and reliable factor for our clients for over 30 years and are dedicated to remaining so in the future.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
Bracht, Deckers & Mackelbert nv (BDM) were established in 1934. Today, BDM is one of the most reputable underwriting agencies in Benelux. It ranks among the top 3 of the Royal Belgian Association of Marine Insurers (ABAM/BVT) and is a recognised service provider to medium-sized businesses and multinationals worldwide.
Competence and technical proficiency are BDM´s assets and are reflected in a diversified portfolio of insurance products and services in Marine, Property and Casualty.
BDM exclusively operates through a network of approximately 100 insurance brokers and is specialised in developing tailor-made solutions. For Property & Casualty insurance policies, BDM works with market-based conditions. Additionally it has created a number of specific niche products, such as the particularly successful pleasure craft insurance ‘Waterproof’ and our product ‘presticar’ for exclusive vehicles.
Dedicated teams of experienced, multilingual insurance professionals are the backbone of BDM´s service-oriented business model. They deliver tailor-made risk management solutions and outstanding claims management services, including in-house handling of recoveries and litigation.
BDM has a solid financial position due to its listed (Euronext Brussels) shareholders, investment group Ackermans & van Haaren (BEL 20) and agro-industrial group Sipef.
BDM´s international orientation and profound knowledge of global markets reflects in tailor-made insurance protection for medium-sized businesses and multinationals throughout a wide range of industries.
As coverholder BDM underwrites autonomously for several Lloyd's syndicates and companies. In addition BDM has underwriting proxies for renowned conventional insurance companies.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
Diamonds are a beautiful natural element which we at Driesassur have mastered over the years to insure from its original rough shape till the manufacturing of it into a sparkling beauty, full of light and energy.
In the same spirit, we have built very close relationships with our clients, Lloyd’s syndicates and brokers and also with various other European underwriters and Lloyd’s of London of course. We are blessed to have been a Lloyd’s coverholder for several years and honour this unique position.
Anywhere in the world, whether for the diamond trade, jewellery manufacturing, retail shops, Driesassur has a dedicated account handler available to service and guide you in one of our various overseas offices. Fine Art collectors or gallery owners will also benefit of custom made policies.
Our team of 100 enthusiastic colleagues is at your service around the clock, ready to communicate with you in your language of choice to give you the comfort you deserve from the first contact onwards.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
Well acquainted with the art world, Eric and Marc Hemeleers represent the third generation of Eeckman Art & Insurance directors and shareholders. Our insurance brokerage firm has long enjoyed the recognition of the most prominent international markets. Today, we consolidate and export our expertise through our offices in Belgium, France and Switzerland.
As we enjoy recognition as experts from insurance companies and art professionals alike, we aim our services at persons sharing our values and the same passion for art. Collectors, investment advisors, professionals, museums or institutions find with us an interlocutor that understands, analyses and offers tailor-made, innovative solutions.
Intent on remaining faithful to the spirit of company founder Léon Eeckman, we also support artistic creation through partnerships or cultural patronage.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
Hoeksche Waard Assuradeuren is a fully authorized insurance intermediary of local- and European insurance companies.
As a fully authorized insurance intermediary, we have the authority to sell products of insurance companies under our own label.
This is of great benefit for our clients, because we can provide quick service and custom-made policies.
Claims will be handled quickly and efficiently through our extensive IT-system and because of our collaboration with various claim-, repair companies and dealers.
Please feel free to visit our website for more information or contact us directly here.
We are pleased to present to you the Industrial Insurance Group Belgium. Insurances are our core business. Insurances with added value, because security is our main concern in everything we do, motivating us to fulfil our mission, day after day. Which mission, you may ask. Here it is:
With our leading market position, we aim to be an excellent service provider and a landmark in the European insurance landscape.
We aim to build up a deep and long-term relationship with all of our partners.
Please feel free to visit our website for more information or contact us directly here.
Claim the best services
Offering unique and flexible solutions make inTrust the specialist in claims management and recovery services. Whether your claim is simple or complicated: our reliable specialists handle your claim efficiently. We offer this service for – or in cooperation with – brokers, insurers, multinationals, underwriters and more.
If you are looking for a partner in claims management and recovery services, you may expect not just expertise but also a significant dose of flexibility and reliability. A personal approach of your wishes is very important to us.
We are autonomous and independent within the Cunningham Linsey Group, a globally operating loss adjustment and claims management company. It enables us to look across borders and to deploy our global expertise. If required we can rapidly and effectively make use of the skilss and expertise of our renowned sister company. Within the Cunningham Lindsey Group, inTrust Nederland act as hub for Europe. We are very well capable of looking after your interests.
We are very proud of our standing as Lloyd’s coverholder which offers us a unique position in the TPA market.
For further information, please contact us here or visit our website.
Neerlandse is the only insurance company in the Netherlands that offers catastrophe cover for flood for home owners, renters and homeowners associations. Neerlandse was established in 2011 specifically for the insurance of flood risk in its domestic market. Neerlandse may be new, but the coverage offered is backed by the well known 326 years old insurance market, Lloyd´s.
Neerlandse partnered with leading international engineering company ARCADIS for flood risk assessment. Neerlandse translated this into a web-based insurance solution that can assess and price the risk for an individual address and manages total risk on a national level.
Neerlandse offers the insurance solution on a white label basis in partnership with local insurance companies since 2015.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
Paul L'Ortye Yacht Insurance is a Lloyd's coverholder and a yacht insurance specialist. With 40 years of experience we have a lot of specialized knowledge on board. Most of our clients are the owners of pleasure yachts worldwide. We also offer insurance services for business interests, such as yacht charter, P & I, crew benefits, yacht building and yacht transport. Our team provides a personal service with short lines to ensure the quick and efficient handling of our clients´ insurance needs.
For further information, please contact us here or visit our website.
Post & Co is the independent partner for Marine Liability and Logistics insurances for all players in the logistical chain, such as Ship Owners and Charterers, Terminal and Transport Operators, NVOCCs, Transport Intermediaries and Port Authorities.
As one of the few independent P&I specialists in the world, we make it our business to advise all of the above companies and their Insurance Brokers in negotiating the best insurance terms possible.
Our offices are located in Rotterdam, Seoul, Antwerp and Frankfurt. We operate on a global scale within the international shipping world.
We invite you to learn more about our products and services by exploring our website. In the process, we look forward to also learning more about your business. Please contact our staff for further information and assistance.
For further information, please contact us here or visit our website.
Qover is building the world first “Sliced On-Demand Digital Insurance Infrastructure”. As coverholder of the Lloyd’s of London, Qover specializes into providing traditional and Sliced On-Demand Digital insurance coverage through a B2B2C distribution channel.
Qover acts as an insurance wholesaler offering Insurance-As-A-Service to Consumer Businesses via lead generation or vertical integration. Qover has rethought insurance products and processes for a fully connected world and is digital not as Mean but as an End.
The solution has been created for businesses willing to add complementary consumer insurance solutions to their own products offering, allowing the final customer to buy insurance coverage at the point of purchase.
Concretely, Qover has created easy-to-use and robust API’s that can seamlessly connect to any IT ecosystem, website or app (i.e. e-commerce, digital broker, online retailer, etc.) and deliver a whole range of traditional insurance products as well as off-the-shelf tailored insurance solutions. The final customer receives a price in real time and can immediately purchase an insurance contract that will be digitally and instantly issued.
Qover manages digitally the whole stack of insurance: from product design to pricing and risk. Claims are settled by a professional independent administrator.
Qover is committed to bringing innovative products, swift distribution and customer centric approach to the insurance market.
Qover is headquartered in Brussels and operates in Europe.
For additional information, please contact us here or visit our website.
QSX Intermediaries BV was established in Amsterdam in 1985 in cooperation with Lloyd’s broker Thompson Heath and Bond (Ltd). In 1988 the shares held by the English partner were acquired by the Dutch management, making QSX an independent company.
The Company Mission is to provide Continental Europe with professional facultative reinsurance brokering services. Insurers located in North and South America and Asia make use of the services that QSX offers in order to spread their large risks among European reinsurers.
During the 1990’s, QSX expanded the scope of its services, offering its services to Dutch insurers and large insurance brokers by placing complex, Dutch commercial risks with (re-)insurers throughout the world. The company moved to Rotterdam in 1998, to be at the centre of the Dutch insurance market. Ten years later, the emphasis shifted towards the placement of niche consumer insurance coverages and the company relocated to Deventer. Besides this location is QSX also represented in New York (USA), Milaan (I) en Gent (B).
A separate entity called CoverYou Verzekering B.V. was set up to handle the volume of policies for consumer insurance products. Lloyd’s of London awarded CoverYou the predicate “Coverholder”, allowing the company to issue policies and perform claimshandling on behalf of certain Lloyd’s underwriters. CoverYou focuses on the insurance of mobile electronic equipment (Smartphones, Tablets, Notebooks). Sales are carried out in The Benelux, Germany and Italy.
In 2014 , the logical step was taken to house the claimshandling activities in a separate entity, called QSX Claims Services BV. QSX Claims not only takes care of its sister company CoverYou’s claimshandling, but also acts as a Third Party Administrator for the claimshandling and administration of other insurance companies and insurance brokers.
From QSX Intermediaries in 1985 to the QSX Insurance Group in 2015: the group now represents three companies, each with its own character and area of expertise.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
SAA Assuradeuren BV is the managing general agent (MGA) of SAA Verzekeringen B.V.
SAA Assuradeuren offers a wide range of private- and business non-life insurance through a network of 1,400 agents and its own direct channel with various offices throughout the country. SAA Assuradeuren is licensed by a wide range of national- and international insurers.
Started 1982, SAA Verzekeringen B.V. has been one of the top 5 independent insurance intermediaries in the Netherlands for 35 years, specialized in non-life insurance.
Within the SME market, SAA Verzekeringen has developed special areas of expertise: Marine (Inland shipping / P & I / Yachts, Logistics & Fleets), Agriculture (Multi line) and Food services (Horeca). Thanks to this specialization, SAA is able to realize the right solutions for its customers through a wide range of purchasing channels, both as MGA and via the national- and international co-insurance exchange.
Specialized and sector focused claims handlers are 24/7 available to assist our customers in the event of a claim and they will take care of the professional handling .
Per 2019, SAA has a team of 500 motivated insurance experts who daily help clients to protect their futures.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
For over 65 years, VKG takes care of the administration of more than 3,000 insurance brokers in the Netherlands. As a full service provider we offer products from more than 22 insurers in our underwriting agency. We provide the insurance brokers access to the entire financial market. VKG is an authorised coverholder of Lloyd's of London.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
VSZ’s mission is based on the social interests of rapid recovery; this results in fewer benefits and ensures that the return to work is commensurate with the pay factor. Revenues and taxation instead of costs and benefits. And through this VSZ also wishes to make a genuine contribution to the happiness experienced by people in life, after all, working is an essential part of this!
VSZ is the private alternative to the UWV. VSZ provides financial solutions that enable businesses and establishments to become self-insurers for the Sickness Benefits Act and to insure this risk privately. Self-insurance means responsibility for employees. Not only during, but also after their employment contract. VSZ will ensure that the risk of sickness is insured and re-integration is guaranteed. VSZ works in partnership with Acture in respect of the re-integration guarantee. Acture is a private implementer of social security measures. This means that Acture, as opposed to the UWV, implements the Sickness Benefits Act for people that do not have employment contracts. As said above, should you decide to become a self-insurer for the Sickness Benefits Act, Acture will completely take over from you the implementation of the Sickness Benefit Act, re-integration and the payment of sick pay, which will enable you to continue to focus on your company’s core tasks. Acture is a private implementer of social security measures. Acture gets employees back to work five times faster than the UWV and the risk of inflow into the WIA is reduced by a factor of 8.
Watch our video here about Insuring Social Security.
For further information, please contact us here or visit our website.
W.A. Hienfeld B.V. is an independent family business. From its foundation in 1874, the company has underwriting and claims authority of leading national and international insurance companies. Since 1972 Lloyd's of London underwriters have been represented by Hienfeld. As a committed and creative insurer Hienfeld is an attractive partner for insurance brokers.
Hienfeld is the specialist for group accident, business travel, fine art and horse insurance.
Hienfeld’s leading position is the result of expertise, customer focus, personal contact, flexibility in tailor-made solutions and insurance concepts.
Hienfeld, a pleasure to do business with!
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.
As approved coverholder of Lloyd's of London and following over 20 years of experience in this specific class of insurance business Wannet Sports Insurance can provide tailor-made insurance solutions. The most special risks for professional sportsmen/women and professional entertainers can be insured. We have a special disability insurance for every athlete or entertainer.
The special disability insurance is meant for the professional athlete/entertainer who wants good protection of the financial consequences in case of temporary and/or permanent incapacity to work. If you have to finish your professional career earlier, for example due to an accident, serious injury or a critical illness, it can lead to a serious financial loss. To cover against this financial loss you can purchase this disability insurance.
Our product will give cover against being unable to continue in the current occupation as a professional sports athlete/entertainer, due to accident and/or sickness. There can be a claim payment made following temporary and/or permanent disability from your professional career. Which cover suits you, is depending on your individual contract and in relation to your future earnings.
In addition to these individuals we are also focused on professional (sport) associations and organisations. We look after the interests of more than 40 professional football teams in the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark.
For further information please contact us here or visit our website.