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How to place a risk with Lloyd’s in Israel


Lloyd's coverholders must be approved by Lloyd's and licensed by the Israeli regulator (Commissioner of Insurance) in specific classes of business. Coverholders must submit policy wording to the approval of the regulator.

The approval process is carried out through the Lloyd's Israel office.

Open Market Correspondents (OMC)

An OMC is an insurance intermediary who introduces business to a Lloyd's broker for placement in the Lloyd's market on an open market basis.

The process of approval and licensing of Lloyd's OMC in Israel is similar to that of Coverholders.

Lloyd's OMCs must also be approved by Lloyd's and licensed by the Israeli regulator (Commissioner of Insurance) in specific classes of business and they should also submit policy wording to the approval of the regulator. The approval process is carried out through the Lloyd's Israel office.

You can access Lloyd’s via a local Israeli coverholder or open market correspondent or by contacting a service company directly.

Please use the market directory to search for a local representative by class of business and country.