In Australia, Lloyd’s is proud to be a member of the Insurance Council of Australia. Lloyd’s has adopted the Code on terms agreed with the Insurance Council of Australia. The Code Governance Committee (CGC) is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code.
Make a Complaint
View all 'Make a Complaint'Policyholder leaflet
Our aim is to provide the highest service to our Australian policyholders and, to this end, we have developed the following procedures for the fair handling of complaints from Lloyd’s policyholders. Details of the process are contained within the policyholder leaflet.
How Can We Help?
There are established procedures for dealing with complaints and disputes regarding your policy or claim. Policyholders may be able to take advantage of the complaints service, as may third-party motor vehicle claimants who are uninsured and where the amount in dispute is less than $15,000.
Family Violence Policy
Lloyd’s Australia is committed to assisting customers who may be affected by family violence, require an interpreter or are experiencing vulnerability. Our Family Violence policy outlines principles and processes which our employees will follow to assist you if you are experiencing Family Violence. If you are in immediate danger, please call 000.
Financial Hardship Policy
Lloyd’s Australia is committed to assisting customers who may be experiencing financial hardship. Our Financial Hardship policy outlines the approach our employees will follow to assist you if you are experiencing financial hardship.
Using interpreters and teletypewriter services (TTY) – Australian customers
Where possible we will provide access to an interpreter if you ask us to, or if we need an interpreter to communicate effectively with you. If you would like to use an interpreter when contacting us, you can call Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450 to arrange this.
If you have a speech or hearing impairment and need help to make or receive phone calls, you can contact the National Relay Service for assistance.
How we handle complaints
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact either the Lloyd’s coverholder or the administrator handling your claim in the first instance. They will attempt to resolve it in accordance with our Internal Dispute Resolution (“IDR”) procedure, which complies with Code and ASIC guidelines, and our commitment below.
Our commitment to you
As part of our IDR procedure, we will:
- Acknowledge your complaint
- Provide you with the name and contact details of the person assigned to reviewing it
- Do our utmost to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction within 10 business days
- If we cannot resolve your complaint within 10 business days, we will provide updates every 10 business days, unless you agree to a different timeframe
- Provide a final decision within 30 calendar days of the date on which you first made your complaint
- If we cannot provide a final decision in this timeframe, we will tell you, in writing, the reasons for the delay and your right to take the complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
- Give you the information we relied on when making a decision about your complaint within 10 business days of you asking for it
Depending on the outcome of our review, we may refer your complaint to Lloyd’s Australia, who will determine whether it will be reviewed further by their office or the Lloyd’s UK Complaints Team.
External review
You may refer your complaint to AFCA at any time. If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within 30 calendar days of the date on which you first made the complaint, AFCA may review it, subject to its Rules.
AFCA’s contact details
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Your complaint must be referred to AFCA within 2 years of the final decision, unless AFCA considers special circumstances apply.
If your complaint is not eligible for consideration by AFCA, you may be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service (UK) or seek independent legal advice.