Become a Lloyd's partner in Greece
Become a Lloyd's Broker
A Lloyd’s broker is a professional able to transact insurance and reinsurance business with Lloyd’s on behalf of their clients. Lloyd’s brokers are members of a respected community at heart of the Lloyd’s market and we welcome applications from brokers from around the world.
Lloyd’s offers brokers a secure, diverse and expert market with an unrivalled concentration of underwriting talent and flexibility across over 60 lines of insurance and reinsurance.
Find out more about the benefits and requirements of becoming a Lloyd’s broker here.
Become a Lloyd's Coverholder
A Lloyd’s broker is a professional able to transact insurance and reinsurance business with Lloyd’s on behalf of their clients. Lloyd’s brokers are members of a respected community at heart of the Lloyd’s market and we welcome applications from brokers from around the world.
Lloyd’s offers brokers a secure, diverse and expert market with an unrivalled concentration of underwriting talent and flexibility across over 60 lines of insurance and reinsurance.
Find out more about the benefits and requirements of becoming a Lloyd’s broker here.