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ATLAS is a secure web-based system that will act as an electronic filing and online application system for coverholders.

What is it?

ATLAS deals with three main areas of coverholder activities:

  1. New coverholder applications, including branch and service company applications.
  2. Changes to coverholder permissions that are applied centrally by Lloyd's.
  3. Annual compliance data that can be made available to all interested managing agents and Lloyd's brokers.

It is only this compliance and permission based data that is held on the system. ATLAS does not collect any data on individual contracts or policies.

Benefits of ATLAS

ATLAS provides a number of benefits to the market

Reduced duplication, increased availability

ATLAS allows the central storage and sharing of coverholder compliance information across the market reducing the burden placed on coverholders by many different agents and brokers requesting the same information.

Transparency of process

The completion of applications, both for new coverholders and changes to permissions, via ATLAS is a transparent process for all parties, including the coverholder. This removes any mystery around doing business with Lloyd’s.

Ownership of data

The market is able to see the same source of information that Lloyd’s, including international representatives, have access to and can make or request changes to it.

Who can use it?


The main Lloyd’s users of ATLAS will be the Delegated Authorities Team (DAT) whose responsibilities include the approval of new Coverholders and changes in Coverholders' permissions. Other users within Lloyd’s, including Lloyd’s international representatives will have read only access to the system.

Managing agents and Lloyd's brokers

All managing agents and brokers will have access to ATLAS. Coverholder data can only be accessed where the managing agent or broker has a relationship with the coverholder.


Lloyd’s objective is to provide all existing coverholders with access to ATLAS where possible. Where new applications are completed on ATLAS the applicant coverholders will be required to have access to ATLAS in order to complete the process.

For ATLAS website queries or technical difficulties please contact your devolved administrator, if the devolved administrator cannot resolve the issue they should contact the Delegated Authority team.

Important: These terms and conditions (“ATLAS Terms of Use”) apply to the online Coverholder management system available on the Lloyd’s website ( known as ATLAS. You will be asked to read and accept these terms of use before accessing ATLAS. These terms of use are issued by Lloyd’s.