Directives related to conducting business in Canada
Canada Complaints Management Guide
Canada - Regulatory Reporting Requirements Table
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) update
Code of Consumer Rights and Responsibilities - LSW 1565C
LSW-1543E Notice concerning personal information
Policyholders Complaint Protocol - LSW 1542F
Notice of Non-Renewal or Cancellation of a Professional Liability Insurance Contract
20240904 RE-24-014 Québec Notice of bodily injury
20240711 AU-24-010 Automobile Physical Damage Cover in Canada
20240531 RE-24-009 Québec - L’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) Annual Reporting Requirements
20240517 RE-24-008 Mandatory requirements for Professional Liability Insurance in Québec
20240517 RE-24-007 Alberta – Reminder of the mandatory requirements for Errors & Omissions coverage
20240412 RE-24-006 Unclaimed Property Reminder to provinces
20240411 RE-24-005 Changes to the Complaint Management process in Canada
20240328 AU-24-003 Canadian Automobile/Motor insurance Q&A
20240208 RE-24-002 Canada - Automobile Line of Business Reporting
20240104 AU-24-001 Updated Guidance on the Canada Automobile Business
20231120 AU-23-016 Updated guidance on the Canada Automobile Business
20231101 RE-23-015 YE Canada Automobile Business Reporting – Deadline of January 3, 2024
20230919 AU-23-014 Update on the Canada Automobile Business
20230821 RE-010-23 Market Conduct, Treating Customers Fairly & Incentive Management
20230227 AU-23-002 Update on Lloyd's Market Consultation - Canada Automobile
20230331 RE-23-001 Changes to Mandatory Reporting In Lineage
20230404 RE-23-005 Prohibition on Strata Insurance
20220926 AD 22 012 Printing of Wordings
2022-06-01 RE-22-006 - Canada: Bi-Annual Regulatory Reporting Requirements –Reminder and Update
2022-04-26 RE-22-005 Prohibition of the use of best terms pricing (“BTP”)
2022-04-13 AD-22-004 Lineage Sanction Screening
2020-02-17 - AD-20-002 - Saskatchewan: Amendment to Insurance Act
2019-07-22 - AD-19-011 - Canada: Fair Treatment of Customers - Update
2019-02-18 - AD-19-005 - Canada: Minimum Liability Insurance Limits
2018-12-11 - AD-18-029 - Saskatchewan Insurance Act – Withdrawal of Licence Sponsorship
2018-11-19 - AD-18-024 - Fair Treatment of Customers
2018-11-06 - AD-18-022 - AMF Quebec Bill 141-150
2018-07-12 - RE-18-013 - Manitoba – Reminder to use full licenced name on insurance documents
2018-06-06- AD-18-010 - AMF: Registrant Governance and Compliance Guide
2018-04-05 - AD-18-002 - AMF Quebec Bill 141/15
2017-12-19 - AU-17-019 - Guidelines for Individual PP and Commercially rated vehicles
2017-02-03 - AD-17-001 - Amendment to the Health Insurance Act
2016-05-09 - AD-16-008 - Lineage Enhancements to Sanctions Monitoring
2016-03-02 - AD-16-007 - Alberta Compliance Legislation
2016-02-12 - AD-16-004 - FICOM Creditor's Group Insurance
2015-11-03 - AD-15-011 - Bill S4: Digital Privacy Act
2015-09-02 - AD-15-009 - Nova Scotia Bill 64: An Act Respecting the Limitation of Actions
2015-08-20 - AD-15-007 - British Columbia: Amendment to Insurancea Regulation, B.C. Reg. 403/2012
2015-08-07 - AD-15-006 - British Columbia Errors and Omissions Insurance (EO) (Council Rule 7 (11) )
Manitoba Bill 27 - The Insurance Amendment Act - AD-14-012
Code of Conduct for Insurers Use of Credit Information AD11003
Policy Forms and Wordings -
Directives related to the use of the AIF Signing-Process System (ASPS) - Effective from 01/01/2012
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