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You can access Lloyd’s via a local Canadian coverholder or open market correspondent or by contacting a service company directly.
Please use the market directory to search for a local representative by class of business and country.
A service company operates like a coverholder but is a wholly owned subsidiary of a managing agent or its group. Unlike a coverholder, a service company is able to sub-delegate underwriting authority to other coverholders.
There are additional underwriting agencies (known as coverholders) across Canada issuing policies on behalf of Lloyd’s underwriters direct to brokers and clients.
An OMC is an insurance intermediary who introduces business to a Lloyd's broker for placement in the Lloyd's market on an open market basis.
Canadian or non-domicile intermediary's need to be registered/approved as an Open Market Correspondent if they wish to place non-marine, marine or reinsurance business through Lloyd's underwriters in Canada. They must place business with Lloyd's in accordance with all applicable local requirements, they must be fully aware of all the regulations and applicable taxes for placing insurance such business, and must undertake to comply with all legal and fiscal obligations per the OMC Undertaking.