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Innovative finance for resilient infrastructure

Four mechanisms to incentivise investment in resilience

Global economic losses from disasters are substantial and growing. They will continue to increase, driven by greater wealth, hazard exposure and, for some events, climate change.

However, the severity of impact can be reduced by investing in greater resilience – the benefits of which include reduced asset damage and faster economic recovery post disaster. Greater resilience also gives confidence to businesses by lowering risk, thereby stimulating innovation and economic growth.

An Innovation report from Lloyd's

This report, published by Lloyd’s in association with the UK’s Centre for Global Disaster Protection, Risk Management Solutions, Vivid Economics and re:focus identifies four innovative financial mechanisms that help monetise the resilience dividend for investors, thereby providing a strong economic case and financial incentive for investing in greater resilience.


The instruments were developed through the Centre’s first 'Innovation Lab', which brought together experts from a range of sectors, including finance, insurance, engineering, humanitarian and development. This report builds on our preliminary findings published in April 2018, and underlines the important role that insurance structures and capacity can play after a disaster, protecting government balance sheets and buffering taxpayers.

Innovative finance - four financial tools
Innovative finance - four financial tools