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Market data

Lloyd’s has worked with the market to create various tools and reports

Many of these are shared with the market, but often will only be accessed by specialist functions at managing agents, such as underwriting, actuarial, claims, exposure management and business development functions.

Find an overview of the various reports, tools and data sets available to managing agents, as well as information on benefits, audience and how to access them, below.

Market data and intelligence

Annual & interim reports 

The annual and interim reports (also known as Full Year and Half Year reports) present the financial results of Lloyd’s and its members on a bi-annual basis, and may be used as a reasonable presentation of the results and state of affairs of the Lloyd’s market on a basis that is broadly comparable with those of general insurance companies. The reports include the “pro forma financial statements”, which consist of the aggregate of syndicate annual accounts, members’ funds at Lloyd’s (FAL), and the Society of Lloyd’s financial statements.


Get an overview of how Lloyd’s works, who participates and its financial results.

Target Audience

Investors, analysts, brokers, managing agents, members and members’ agents, market participants, regulators, rating agencies

Key data sources




Analyst presentations

On the day annual and interim results are published, Lloyd’s management hold a presentation for investment analysts and debt holders to discuss the results and delve down into the numbers in more detail. The slides in the presentation aim to represent the results of the market in a graphical format which allow for easy comparisons year-on-year.


Get an understanding as how Lloyd’s presents itself to investors

Target audience

Investors, analysts, debt holders

Key data sources




Lloyd’s strategy

Our strategic plan is published annually. It outlines the activities, roles and responsibilities of the Corporation, managing agents, brokers and members’ agents in delivering Lloyd’s vision.

Target audience

Managing Agents, brokers, rating agencies, members’ agents, analysts, investors, regulators, insurance industry trade bodies

Key data sources

Wide variety of external and Lloyd’s market specific financial, operational, risk, and strategic data and insights.



Lloyd's statistics 

Lloyd's Statistics provides an easy-to-use reference for key facts and figures relating to the Lloyd’s market.


Access to historical reference data for agents, syndicates and members.

Target audience

All Lloyd’s market participants

Key data sources

Quarterly Monitoring Returns Parts A & B (QMA/QMB), Technical Provisions Data (TPD), Lloyd’s Data Warehouse



Underwriting Development Triangles 

The Underwriting Development Triangles (formerly LMA Triangles) provide a detailed quarterly analysis of the Lloyd’s market, based on the Lloyd’s Gross Quarterly Data (GQD). These triangles chart the progression of signed premiums, paid claims, case reserves, and acquisition costs, categorised by risk code and pure year over a rolling 20-year period.

On the Insights Hub we offer two distinct versions tailored to specific user groups, one designed for our managing agents and the other, the Underwriting Development Triangles (Market) is available for LMA, members and members agents.

Where classes are written by four syndicates or less, that code cannot be displayed for reasons of confidentiality. Some classes have full premium but partial claims information and these are highlighted in the caveats section.


Monitor market level premium income and loss ratios triangles by risk code

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents: underwriters, actuarial and claims functions

Key data sources

Gross Quarterly Data (GQD)



ISO services

ISO provides a number of services to the Lloyd’s market. 

In consultation with market practitioners, ISO developed an easy-to-navigate portal giving quick access to the ISO services available to members of the Lloyd’s community. 

These services include:

  • ISO Forms (Wordings)
  • Property Claim Services (PCS)
  • Legislative Monitoring
  • ISO Loss Costs
  • Emerging Issues

Lloyd's Wordings Repository (LWR)

The LWR contains an extensive range of model wordings that have been generated by London market practitioners, including many that are reviewed by the Lloyds Market Association (LMA) business panels. 


Supports contract certainty by providing access to vetted policy wordings and clauses regularly used within the London market.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents: underwriters and wording technicians.

Lloyd’s Open Form (LOF)

The Lloyd’s Open Form (LOF) statistics contain comprehensive data on all LOF cases reported to Lloyd’s Salvage Arbitration Branch.


Review the effectiveness of the Lloyd’s Open Form of Salvage Agreement.

Target audience

Underwriters and claims personnel

Key data sources

Salvors, arbitrators, solicitors and other parties involved in the LOF process




Lloyd’s Futureset

Reports commissioned by Lloyd’s which examine emerging risks and key issues in the understanding of risk.


Risk insight through research is central to Lloyd’s commitment to be a market where entrepreneurialism and innovation will thrive, underpinned by robust risk and performance management. Here you will find reports commissioned by Lloyd’s which examine emerging risks and key issues in the understanding of risk, together with details of the Lloyd’s Futureset team.

Target audience

Risk managers, business developers, underwriters

Key data sources

Lloyd's with research partners


Throughout the year

Underwriting performance

Performance Information Report

The PI Pack is a quarterly report produced for each Lloyd’s managing agent showing relative gross underwriting performance benchmarks for each of the syndicates managed by the agent.

Loss ratios for each syndicate class of business for the last five years of account are plotted against the performance of a notional market, the forecast loss ratios from the syndicate’s approved business plan and the loss ratio calculated from the PMDR benchmark price. The report provides a unique insight into the relative underwriting performance of the syndicate.


Highlights data quality issues in agent PMDR data.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents

Key data sources

Quarterly Monitoring Return (QMB), Syndicate Business Forecasts (SBF), Performance Management Data Return (PMDR)



Exposure management benchmarks

The Lloyd’s Exposure Management and Reinsurance team produces benchmark packs based on Lloyd’s Catastrophe Model (LCM), Realistic Disaster Scenario (RDS) and large loss data submitted to Lloyd’s. Packs are distributed on a per syndicate basis and illustrate comparisons to the entire Lloyd’s market for a variety of metrics. Syndicate data is played back through numerous graphical representations, including trends over multiple years.


Review the syndicate’s relative performance in respect of catastrophe losses, management and modelling.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents: Exposure management, actuaries (internal model), underwriters

Key data sources



LCM quarterly, RDS bi-annual, large loss quarterly

PMDR Playback Summary Report 

The PMDR Playback Summary Report is produced monthly and provides managing agents with a summary of the key information taken from the most recent PMDR returns available. Each report is tailored for a managing agent and contains a summary of the agent’s own data, as submitted through the Core Market Return website, along with market level data. This report also incorporates a spreadsheet showing year-to-date market premium by risk code.


Access to market level premium income and review the performance potential of business written in the year.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents

Key data sources

Performance Management Data Return (PMDR)



PMDR Warnings Report 

The PMDR Warnings Report provides managing agents with a summary of the high priority warnings based on a range of validation tests defined by Lloyd's. The tests are intended to help managing agents check the data they have submitted and fix any issues where the data is not correct.


Review the data quality issues in PMDR data.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents

Key data sources

Performance Management Data Return (PMDR)



Asia Performance Summary 

Lloyd's Asia Performance Summary is a quarterly report produced for each Lloyd's managing agent underwriting on the Asia platform. The report compares syndicate underwriting performance against its approved business plan and also contains market performance data.

It is distributed via email.


Review the syndicate's underwriting performance for the Asia platform

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents

Key data sources

Syndicate Business Forecasts (SBF), Quarterly Monitoring Return (QMB), Performance Management Data Return (PMDR)



Claims performance

Lloyd’s Claims Reporting Suite 

The Lloyd’s Claims Reporting Suite provides one version of the truth for claims performance based on ten key KPIs that were identified by the market: Reserve Accuracy, File Management (Lifecycles + Re-openings), Static Claims, Resourcing, ECF, Recoveries, Catastrophe Claims, Nil Reserved Claims, Lawyer Monitoring, Adjuster Monitoring.


Review the syndicate’s claims performance relative to the market.

Target audience

Lloyd’s managing agents, Senior management, claim managers & adjusters, other roles include actuaries and underwriters, Lloyd’s internal staff including Claims team, exposure management, risk and capital modelling.

Key data sources

CLASS and ECF via Claims Data Warehouse (CDW)


Data is available 24x7, 365 days a year, updated daily, two working days after the bureaux transaction.

Business development

Market Intelligence 

The Market Intelligence team provides analysis of the world’s insurance industry from a geographic perspective for the benefit of Lloyd’s managing agents, brokers and coverholders to help them develop their business internationally.


Get an overview of the global insurance industry in the context of Lloyd’s.

Target audience

Business development, business analysts, strategy

Key data sources

Regulators, associations, Xchanging, soft intelligence


Ad hoc, weekly, quarterly and annually

International regulatory and tax information


Crystal provides Lloyd's market participants with:

  • Quick and easy access to international regulatory and taxation requirements
  • Key information to support the writing of international business
  • Multiple country and category tailored searches
  • Regular updates on regulatory and fiscal requirements


Review international regulatory and tax obligations.

Target audience

All Lloyd’s market participants (UK and international)

Risk Locator Tool 

Risk locations determine the territories whose laws, regulations and tax rules apply to an insurance contract. The Risk Locator Tool assists the market to establish the legal location of an insured risk by class of business and therefore which territory’s regulatory and fiscal requirements to consider. 


Helps to ensure that all parties in the placement chain comply with international regulatory and tax obligations. 

Target audience

All Lloyd’s market participants

Reference materials

Explore our essential collection of data, guidance and codes for operating at Lloyd’s.