Crystal Search Results

Results for your quick search displayed by territory. You need to log in or register to see content marked by a padlock icon.

Please make sure you view all key information in your search results before accepting a risk in the chosen territory.

Disclaimer: Crystal is provided for information purposes; it does not constitute solicitation of business and is not intended to be a substitute for appropriate professional advice. Information relating to Lloyd’s Europe Subsidiary may be subject to regulatory approval.

Denmark Lloyd's
* Please see Authorisation for details of Lloyd's underwriters licensing status
Please see Authorisation for details of Lloyd's Europe licensing status

Insurance documentation

Choice of law

Lloyd's Europe

It is strongly recommended that the insurance contract contains a choice of law clause in order to avoid subsequent legal disputes.

Choice of law is a complex and evolving area of law, the following information is not a substitute for seeking external and independent legal advice.

Last updated: 18 Jul 2023