
The group as a whole will aim to highlight any areas of emerging risks they want to research and also discuss output from the Lloyd's Emerging Risks team. Any areas of specific or focused interest may produce sub-committees to ensure discussions are relevant to those who are interested. The special interests group meetings will be held quarterly, though additional meetings on specific topics will be held as and when they are required.  

Who are we? 

The special interests group was formed in May 2007 to act as a bridge between the Lloyd's Market and Lloyd's Emerging Risks team to identify key emerging risks that are of current and potentially future interest to the market. Meetings usually consist of an update on emerging risk topics from the Emerging Risks team, alongside a presentation from an expert external speaker on topics relevant to the group. 

Members of the special interests group consist of a mixture of underwriters, analysts and modellers from the Lloyd's Market covering many classes of business including, marine, livestock, property and energy.

Do you have something to tell us? 

If you have any queries regarding the special interests group or suggestions for emerging risks then please email them to

"All work presented by the Lloyd's emerging risks team (unless publicly published) is confidential to the Lloyd's market. The comments reflect our current level of knowledge and research on a given subject; but do not represent an official Lloyd's view of a risk or the actions that should be taken in its respect. It is acceptable to show this work to others in your organisation, but please keep this disclaimer with it and do not forward it beyond your company."  

Access the emerging risks special interest group archive.